...wtf are they thinking?
aight, so my girlfriend and i just recently signed up with verizon wireless...we got some new phones and pretty good reception. 2 weeks go by and both of our phones crap out one way or another - no problem, we are still within our 15 days to get new phones. so we both go in and get the new moto v276, which is almost identical to our v275's... anyways, i really enjoy the mp3 ringtones (they're cool) and the way that verizon goes about downloading these ringtones is different from other cell phone companies - with verizon you have to download an application that allows you to connect to a pre-set list of downloadable songs and what not. well my old phone used "sony musicbox" to download many popular tones...coo coo - my new phone however uses...get this...UNIVISION, yup the "spanish" media company! this is cool and all, sometimes i am in the mood for some mariachi (spelling) BUT for a ringtone...i don't think so. here is my question, HOW IN THE WORLD CAN I BUY A PHONE IN AMERICA THAT ONLY HAS THE CAPABILITY TO DOWNLOAD FROM A SPANIASH SERVER??? now, it isn't quite that bad, i can download old-ass american songs...but i don't want them! isn't this america, don't we speak english and listen to american music? so...yeah...needless to say - i am pissed. that's all.